When it comes to buying a home, it's likely that you've heard over and over again that you need to determine what you actually need in a home as opposed to features you want. While this may make sense on paper, once you have to actually apply it to your home buying experience, it can be a little more difficult. Luckily, The Home Buyers Inc. in Minnesota has you covered. We've created this guide to give you a little more insight on how to determine what is a want versus what is a need. Continue reading below to learn more, and once you're ready to start the house hunting process, reach out to our team of exclusive buyers agents to get started!

How to Decide What You Need vs. What You Want In a Home

Write Them Down
The easiest way to help you determine what is a want and what is a need when buying a house is to write them down. This can be done on your computer or even on a piece of paper that you keep with you. As you look at different homes and features, jot them down. After you've looked at a few houses, go back and read through your list. Are there any patterns? Is there anything that is consistently on the want list but not the need list? This can help you start to narrow things down.
Going back to look at your list after visiting a few houses could also give you a new perspective on what is actually a need and what is actually a want. It could even lead to you taking some things off the list entirely or adding new features that you saw and fell in love with.

Consider What Could Benefit Your Quality of Life
When looking for a home, it's important to think about not only your current needs, but also your future ones. An example of this could be living in a two-bedroom home with two kids. While the kids can certainly share a bedroom, it's not always the most practical, especially as they get older. In this case, you may decide that you need to find a three-bedroom home so you have more space.
It can also be helpful to consider things like a home office or an in-law suite. If you work from home or have elderly parents that live with you, these could both be features that you need in your new home.

Go Back to the Basics
If you're having trouble determining your needs versus your wants, it may be helpful to go back to the basics. Instead of writing down luxuries such as double vanities or a chef's kitchen, you may want to go back and think about basic items such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms or the square footage.
Oftentimes, people get wrapped up in the little details and forget about what they actually need. This is why it can be helpful to go back to basics and make sure that you have everything that you need in a home before considering any of the extras.

Decide If Your Expectations Are Realistic
When it comes to buying a home, it's important to be realistic about your expectations. Just because you want a five-bedroom house on two acres of land doesn't mean that it's actually achievable, especially if you're working with a limited budget.
It can be helpful to sit down and consider what is most important to you in a home and what you can realistically afford. Once you have a good understanding of this, you can start to look at homes that fit your needs and budget. If you're still having trouble, sitting down with your exclusive buyers agent could be extremely helpful — after all, they've done this a time or two.
If you're having trouble determining what is a want and what is a need when buying a home, The Home Buyers Inc. in Minneapolis can help! We specialize in helping buyers find their dream home, no matter what their needs or wants may be. Contact us today to get started with your exclusive buyers agent!