Although this is not always the case, in an ideal real-estate world, the buyer and the sellers would both enlist the services of separate real estate agents to represent their respective interests. The realtor working in the interest of the seller is known as the listing agent, while the agent representing the seller is known as the buyer’s agent. What exactly is the difference between these two? Read on to find out from our team at The Home Buyers, Inc. in Minneapolis!

What Is The Difference Between A Realtor and A Buyers Agent?

Who Is a Buyer’s Agent?
To fully understand who a Minneapolis buyer’s agent is, you can think about it this way; If you are being sued by someone, would you hire the same lawyer as the plaintiff or get your own attorney? Of course, you would prefer to hire someone that will diligently serve your unique interests. This is exactly what a buyer’s agent from The Home Buyers, Inc. does in a real estate transaction. A buyer’s agent is a real estate professional that guides the buyer during the purchase process. This is distinctly different from a realtor, who is known as the listing agent, and serves the best interest of the seller as they navigate the selling process.

Providing the Help That You Need
Unlike realtors or selling agents whose duty is to the home seller, a buyer’s agent is legally bound to you as a buyer. This agent will assist you with navigating the rather complex real estate market with the hope of helping you find the most ideal listing for your needs. Our Minneapolis buyer’s agents at The Home Buyers, Inc. will also handle the negotiations with the seller in your best interest, and is in charge of everything from finding listings to scheduling showings and negotiating with the seller or realtor.

A Buyer’s Agent Serves Your Interest
A buyer's agent has a fiduciary responsibility to look out for the interest of the buyers, and ensure you get the best out of the real estate purchase. This is the opposite of what the realtor or selling agent of the property does. For example, if in the process of inspecting a property you disclose any information that puts you at a disadvantage — like the fact that you need the house urgently because you are expecting your second child — a seller's agent will most likely use this information to the benefit of the seller. Our Minneapolis buyer agents at The Home Buyers, Inc. on the other hand are obligated to protect you, and will keep information like this private to get you the best deal possible.

Answering All Your Questions
The process of buying a new house can be quite complicated, which is why a buyer’s agent will be present with you throughout the process to answer any questions you might have regarding the legal and other aspects of the process. Your Minneapolis buyer’s agent will also ask the seller or realtor questions on your behalf to help clarify details about the property.
Hire a Buyer’s Agent to Represent Your Best Interest Today
Although it is possible to allow a single agent to represent the interest of the two parties involved in a real estate deal, it is always better to hire your own dedicated agent to represent your best interest. If you’re in the middle of a real estate purchase in Minnesota or you are considering buying a home, contact The Home Buyers, Inc. for the services of a home buyer’s agent in Minnesota. We are Minnesota's most trusted exclusive buyer agents here to show you the best way to buy a house. Contact us now to get started with the services of a Minneapolis buyer’s agent!